Connection for customer to Instrumentation supplier
Customers in energy & pharma
Customers in energy and pharma industries have very specific requirements for quality and process control. They normally do not possess detailed understanding of the Raman technology background. Their analytical laboratory staff normally is therefore not prepared to utilize commercial Raman spectrometers on a daily basis.
Instrumentation Suppliers
Instrumentation suppliers on the other hand offer in most cases technology-driven high-end Raman devices, mainly for R&D purposes. They are normally not able to adapt these instruments to individual customer needs. The first generation of low-end hand-held devices furthermore has failed initial high expectations on the customer side. Implementation of Raman spectroscopy in the industry is therefore still rather low.
Connection for customer to Instrumentation supplier
It is core for AViSpectro to develop a very detailed understanding of industrial customer needs. Together with its cooperation partner Leibniz-Institute for Photonic Technology, AViSpectro is connecting customers and Instrumentation Suppliers. Customer needs get fulfilled via tailored equipment and/ or individual analytical service support – both proven in specific customer applications. Individual service support may generate new applications for tailored product solutions. Customers can also get support via individual advise – independant from instrumentation suppliers – as well as training of their employees.

Instrumentation Suppliers
- Offer technology-driven high-end Raman devices mainly for R&D purposes
- Do not adapt instruments to customer needs
- First low-end hand-held devices failed high expectations
Detailed understanding of customer needs
Connecting customer needs & tailored equipment, training of customer employees
Service business generates applications for product business
Customers in energy & pharma
- Specific requirements for quality and process control
- No detailed understanding of Raman technology background
- Laboratory staff not prepared to utilize R&D Raman instruments