About Us
AViSpectro’s Mission is to enable routine process and quality control by vibrational spectroscopy to industrial customers in energy and pharma applications. AViSpectro wants to be the first choice of connection for customer to instrumentation supplier in all segments of Analytical Vibrational Spectroscopy:
Based on strong experience in Raman Spectroscopy, supplemented by Infra-Red (IR) and Tera-Hertz (THz) – Spectroscopy.
Adressing the most relevant challenges in these core industries such as
- cleantech & economical industry transition in the energy segment and
- biotech molecules & regulatory approvals in the pharma segment.

Dr. Peter Haug

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp
Technical & Expert Team

Dr. Karina Weber

Dr. Nicolae Tarcea

Dr. Thomas Bocklitz

Dr. Thorsten Frosch

Richard Knipper
Customer References
„AViSpectro hat für uns sehr zuverlässig die Zusammensetzung einer festen pharmazeutischen Originator-Formulierung bestimmt. Die Gewichtsanteile der drei Hauptkomponenten konnten mit Genauigkeiten zwischen ±0.7% bis ±1.5% ermittelt werden. Aufgrund der schwierigen Zusammensetzung der Formulierung mit Retardierungswirkung war dies mit anderen Methoden quantitativ nicht möglich.
Besonders gefallen hat uns das transparente Vorgehen bei der Modellbildung und multivariaten Datenanalyse, das auditiert und in eine Zulassung eingehen kann. Das individuell aufgebaute Modell und die transparente Dokumentation von AViSpectro heben sich sehr positiv von erhältlichen standardisierten Auswertungstools ab, deren Modellbildung, Messgüte und Ergebnisrelevanz wir oft nicht nachvollziehen und daher nicht bewerten können.“
– Managing Director of a Pharmaceutical and Drug Formulation Development Company
More details on customer references can be supplied on request.
AViSpectro UG
The business set-up of AViSpectro started as Transfer-Gründer-Unternehmung (TGU) in late 2011 under the umbrella of the technology transfer organization of Stuttgart University, Technologie Transfer Initiative GmbH.
AViSpectro UG was founded as start-up of Stuttgart University in March 2015.
Investor KIC InnoEnergy S.E. supported the start-up in the course of a Business Highway programme from 2013 onwards and joined AViSpectro UG as shareholder.
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
Jena-based Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT) is combining several hundreds of world-leading Raman experts within the Leibniz Society.
Through its leading role in national and international networks and consortia, IPHT significantly contributes to the advancement of the research topic of Biophotonics and performs an important deed in safeguarding the future in an area highly relevant to society.
IPHT is cooperating with AViSpectro since 2015 and is also eligible partner of KIC InnoEnergy and the European Institute of Technology & Innovation.
- Spin-Off Stuttgart University
- Founded in March 2015 after 3 years business set-up under university umbrella (TTi GmbH)
- Investor: KIC InnoEnergy SE
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
- World-leading Raman experts within Leibniz Society
- Co-operation with AViSpectro since May 2015
- Eligible Partner of KIC/ EIT since Nov 2015
AViSpectro UG
- Close co-operation between IPHT and AViSpectro
- Corporate Involvement of key IPHT staff
- Relocation from Stuttgart to Jena